About Molly Wadzeck Kraus

Hi, I’m Molly.

In my former life, I rescued animals for a living, first on a farm, then in a no-kill shelter. I’m still always late to everything because I stopped to pet a dog. When I’m not getting lost in mile-long threads on obscure topics (or just getting lost in general), I’m trying to find a new trail to hike, pretending I can fly in aerial classes, or devouring podcasts and audiobooks.

As a freelance writer with ADHD, I’m always looking for an exciting topic or idea to spark my next hyper-fixation. I write about mental health, parenting, reproductive rights, pop culture, and dabble in poetry. I love listening to people talk about their lives almost as much as I love talking. Born and raised in Waco, Texas, I currently reside in the Finger Lakes region of New York with my husband and three children.

I’m currently seeking representation for my memoir-in-progress about mental illness, addiction, and motherhood.